About Me

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I'm a mom, a wife, a best friend. Sick with CFIDS/ME/CFS and Fibromyalgia since 1975 as a result of a nasty flu while still in grad school, it wasn't until the late '80's that I received a diagnosis. Until that flu I'd never really been ill before. With each year I get progressively worse and add to the bucket load of symptoms I'm living with. I've been blessed with an incredible family and best friend who've stayed with me through my struggles as we continue to find a way out of this monstrous illness and its complications. We've tried seemingly every approach to find my way back to health. Often I think our best weapon in this undesirable and unasked-for adventure has been laughter.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Skinceutical's CE Ferulic Acid

In honor of our wedding anniversary today: lots of dancing!
Call me fickle, but I do so love to play around with different beauty products.  I suppose this is what happens when there is little else you can do in your life, although that's probably not the only reason.  My mom, too, has always been keen about skincare.  As a child I always thought of it as a European thing - although because of little discretionary income (hardly any!) my mom stayed with a couple of tried and true products. But I well remember when an occasional package would come in the mail from NYC, with a jar of "something" so exotic and expensive that no one but my mom was ever allowed near the product.  As years went by, I learned that the package would come from from a French-Russian lady living in NYC who made her products in her home and had quite a following in the immigrant communities. 

I always remember my childhood years, too, with my mom's very quick application of a DYI  "mask" of some sort to her face, applying a mysterious (to me) concoction made of honey and an egg yolk left on for twenty minutes before heading out the door for any event, including going to church.  As a reaction to my mom, I never cared for any skincare products but - sigh! - eventually we all do pretty much become our mother's daughters.  

And so, with that said, one of  the workhorses in MY personal supply of "stay as young as possible" products is Skinceutical's CE Ferulic treatment.  Its main ingredients are Vitamin C with a touch of Vitamin E and, of course, Ferulic Acid.  The C is there to clarify, brighten and lighten hyperpigmentation, whereas the E protects the skin from being further damaged by those pesky free radicals.  The Ferulic Acid, according to Skinceutical's PR, "neutralizes free radical activity."

I've been using this treatment on and off for four months now, approximately once or twice a week and have been thoroughly impressed with the progress my face has shown.  My old "freckles" (age spots, mom!  NOT "little flowers"!) are getting lighter.  In fact, it was because of the success of this treatment that I started using other treatments and different brands.  I think I used to believe nothing really worked so, in true "me" fashion, once I saw one product work, I went from seemingly nothing to seemingly everything.  I'm such a product of extremes! (Another sigh: this one for those of us with the DD and know our "all or nothing" tendencies all too well.)

Most importantly, perhaps is that this Skinceuticals product is intended for those who have sun damaged skin which is also dry and sensitive and  for those who wish that their skin were smoother, softer and, that panacea we're all after, radiant. I like it too because it's meant to be used in the morning.   It often seems, to me at least. that most treatments are recommended for evening/bedtime use.  While using this product, however, one absolute "must" is the use a good SPF - unless, perhaps, you happen to be like me and live in some sort of version of Batman's bat cave and never see much light.  On the other hand, I've read that this CE Ferulic and SPF work synergistically - thus one reason for its recommended use in the AM.

After applying a few drops to my dry, cleansed face and throat (I skip the chest since it's just too sensitive for anything) I usually end up putting a moisturizer on after the Ferulic application or a good SPF that also acts like a moisturizing cream, LaMer's sunblock in my case, or a BB cream.

In the beginning, I found that in applying a drop onto my skin, the skin just absorbed the drop without giving me a chance to smear it around.  It was very puzzling as to how in the world I'd ever manage to smear the recommended 4-5 drops all over.  In fact, at first I dabbed a bit of each drop on a targeted area (where the age spots were the worst) and hoped for the best.  Happily, after a month of use I found that the dryness had improved so much that the drops actually did now begin to slide around my face.  Now that's what I call improvement!  

I also have large pores on my nose and I've found that they appear less deep and the skin on my nose is smother, less bumpy when using the CE Ferulic.

So, all and all, this is a product one can't help falling in love with, especially when considering the funky skin those of us with CFIDS/ME/fibro all have to deal with.

Now, since I've stopped eating honey (in my attempt to get my body back on some sort of "good" track) that means that there's a rather large bottle of it in my kitchen; tonight I may try my mom's honey and egg concoction and see if, indeed, it will firm up my skin yet leave it soft and radiant.  Today is our wedding anniversary, so perhaps I should give myself a good facial to bring out the youth in my skin before hubby gets home!  (OK: I'm rolling all over the floor with laughter with that last bit!).

In the meantime, here's to hoping all are doing their best, only better - boy, some days I really do love fibro-logic!  I just hope fibro-brain wasn't too evident in this post!

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  1. Happy Anniversary! I loved the dancing at your wedding. A good time was had by all. What a day! :)

    1. Thanks! I'm glad you remember because if it weren't for the photographs I'd wonder if it happened at all! ;) xx

    2. I have always believed in taking care of my skin, use the best products I could afford, and thought I finally knew exactly what to do concerning my skin care regimen until I received a free sample of this product. C E Ferulic is an amazing product. I do think it's making my skin texture better - healthier. Consumer Health Digest has reviewed the product profusely on their website.

  2. Irene -
    You look so beautiful in your wedding picture!
    Happy Anniversary.

    1. Thanks, Martha! We had a very low-key day, the kind I love! xx

  3. I stumbled across this post purely by accident, but I am happy that I have. I wish you well with your health, first of all, and second, I thank you for your critique of CE Ferulic. It's funny, because today is my 27th wedding anniversary and I happened on your post. Coincidence? Maybe, maybe not. Either way, we agree the product is indeed something special! www.creativewrites.net

  4. I'm a huge fan of Skinceuticals CE Ferulic. One thing I've found to make it even more effective is to use my Clarisonic before applying; it helps the serum absorb better if skin is exfoliated. I used it in conjunction with my Anthelios SX sunscreen every day with great results (less brown spots etc).

  5. Such a nice blog and i appreciate your all efforts about your thoughts. it's really good work. well done. skinceuticals

  6. Ferulic acid is a phenolic phytochemical found in plant cell walls. Ferulic acid is used as a precursor in the manufacture of other aromatic compounds. Bulleyaconitine A
